Learning Solutions

Adaptive Learning Solutions provide a full house of Learning, E-Learning and Mobile Learning solutions.

It’s what we do best.

And we’re the best at doing it.

“In our experience Adaptive Consulting differentiates themselves by rendering custom-designed training solutions and I have no hesitation in recommending their services.”

Learning & Development Client

on roll out of e-learning solution

Our Expertise lies in selecting the appropriate Technologies

Adaptive Learning Solutions can assist companies to select, pilot and implement the appropriate learning technologies including:

  • Learning Portals
  • Learning Management Systems
  • Content Management Systems
  • Performance Management Systems
  • Software simulation tools
  • E-learning and mobile learning authoring tools

Adaptive can also assist in establishing wether you can achieve your goals using technology already available within your organisation before embarking on costly technology acquisition exercises.

An Approach that delivers Results and 

Measurable Return on Investment (ROI)

  • Each Adaptive project starts with a simple step.   Listening. To you.  Our solutions are unopinionated, so we don’t offer solutions before we even understand your challenges.
  • We use the Adaptive Grid to ensure that our solutions are extremely flexible and customisable.
  • And because we have access to web, graphics and marketing talent in Adaptive, we can tap into their expertise for your eLearning project.
  • And finally, our clients tell us it is very easy to calculate the ROI on our solutions.  That’s probably because we put our finance guy on each project.  Who puts a finance guy on an eLearning project?  We do.

Our Work